Health Blog


Different Types of Stretching and Their Benefits

July 10th, 2018

Many folks beginning an exercise or physical therapy regimen are given a specific set of exercises, but these instructions don’t always come with proper guidance on the stretching that should accompany the program. To ensure that you can either avoid – or avoid exacerbating – injuries, here’s a comprehensive guide to different types of stretching and their benefits.

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Good Nutrition for ADHD Symptom Management

June 20th, 2018

ADHD symptoms can be frustrating to both a parent and child. Typical behaviors may include impulsiveness, lack of focus, prone to distractibility, and the inability to sit still. By changing your child’s diet, you could see a decrease in negative behaviors associated with ADHD. Good nutrition can be used in conjunction with other treatments like

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What’s the Deal with W-Sitting?

June 10th, 2018

There is a great deal of controversy over a sitting position common for young children, called W-sitting. W-sitting, so named because the legs splay out to form a W pattern, has been associated with causing several developmental orthopedic problems and doctors have warned to discourage children from assuming this position. Though there are some pediatricians

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